Phoenix Solutions has a long history of heating, including Screen and Storage Heaters developed in the 1970's as FluiDyne Engieering Corp.
Phoenix Solutions’ unique Screen Heaters offer rapid change of output temperatures. This dynamic response provides the speed and flexibility necessary for testing or controlled reaction time processing. PSC Electric Resistance Screen Heaters have small footprints, offering savings on installation, surface heat loss and cooling requirements.
Phoenix Screen Heaters offer:
- High temperature screens capable of operating up to 2500°F.
- Side walls crafted from low expansion electrical insulator materials.
- Control systems utilizing both PC’s and PLC’s with widely available software.
Controlled, consistent, long duration, high temperature output.
Phoenix storage heaters use low dusting cored brick storage. Cored brick not only reduces dusting, but also increases bed life and eliminates bed lifting. Low dusting cored brick does not require model surface refinishing between runs in aero-test applications. There is also no need for in-line filters, which lower the maximum operational temperatures of other heaters. Phoenix's present designs evolved through 40 years of application and development.